5 Most Common Types of Marketing Jobs In 2023

You've decided that you want to enter or advance your marketing profession. The good news is that marketing is a rapidly expanding field, and contemporary marketers may choose from several niches to best suit their strengths and interests.


The marketing departments of various businesses constantly evolve with the sector, leaving you to wonder which path to choose. Here, I'll go through nine different careers in marketing, what they include, and how you may get started in one if you think it could be a good fit for you. It is a good Marketing Career Path. I've dabbled with social media and content marketing; for more information on the field, I've interviewed other marketers, including some of my former coworkers at Contently.


There is a lot of crossover between different fields, and many need the same talents and traits, so it's essential to have an open mind while considering your options.


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1. Social Media Marketing

When a firm makes a tasteless joke online, onlookers often blame "the intern operating the Twitter account." However, no respectable business would trust an untrained intern controlling a company's social media accounts. The bigger the company, the more senior-level marketers are in charge of its social media strategy, and vice versa.

2. Email Marketing

A minimal percentage of an account's audience will view its social media post due to algorithms. For this reason, businesses constantly explore novel communication methods with their core customer base. It is included in the best Types of Marketing Jobs. Because newsletter subscribers voluntarily sign up to hear from a company, email addresses remain valuable for marketers. Email marketers that capitalize on the chance to communicate with people in their inboxes benefit from a captive and interested audience.

3. Brand Management

A brand manager controls the company's or product line's public image and all communications. A company's story (what used to go on an "About" page but now goes elsewhere) may be conveyed consistently across channels thanks to a brand persona, which is a set of messages and customer experiences. Henry Bruce, a former VP of marketing at Contently, defines brand management as "the whole embodiment of the organization in the marketplace." It's consistent in presentation across all channels. A brand manager must keep tabs on every facet of a company's public image.

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4. Content Marketing and Copywriting

Content marketers are the writers and designers brands employ to produce content similar to traditional publishers and media outlets. You'd think it would be that easy.


According to Contently's editor-in-chief and content marketer, Jordan Teicher, an essential skill for a content marketer is creating a compelling tale. He says, "Most [customers] despise the hard sale." As the saying goes, "narrative entertains and creatively challenges customers." Marketers have recently begun to focus on storytelling while writing blog posts, internal papers, e-books, Powerpoint presentations, op-eds, speeches, and other forms of content. If you want to know the Tech Jobs That Don't Require Coding, just click here

5. Product Marketing

Product marketers often must function as a go-between between the marketing department and other departments, such as product management, engineering, sales, account management, customer support, and more. They put in a lot of effort to study it's demographic, figure out what those people need, then "translate" that knowledge to the people in charge of developing and advertising the company's products and services.